Took me back to my childhood of making dens! No technology, just simple basic imagination fun!
Camp Cardboard
is an interactive cardboard box building project of epic proportions.
We’ve yet to find anything that’s more fun than a room full of cardboard boxes (loads of them) and giving children the task of transforming them in an imagination fuelled construction project.
That’s what Camp Cardboard is, a fun interactive building project on a large scale, using nothing but cardboard boxes, paper based tape and the creative minds of children, let loose on a crazy hair brained scheme to transform school halls into the biggest and best cardboard world ever!
Key Learning Points
The Arts –
Exploring how the arts can be interactive, playful and temporary.
Construction –
Building large- scale interactive spaces where object relationship is crucial to success.
Environment and Recycling –
Exploring how we can use, create and achieve with simple recycled and low impact materials.
Teamwork –
Working and negotiating together to solve problems and achieve one substantial goal.
Peer support and citizenship –
Understanding the value of working together and recognising the achievements of others.
What now?
We would love to discuss how Camp Cardboard can become part of your learning experience. Our contact details are below or you can use the form to drop us a line.
Team RF.
What folks have said about Camp Cardboard…
- Great fun and innovative – suitable for all ages.
- Really enjoyed the sessions and will use the ideas within my play sessions.
- Brilliant, simple way to use boxes with loads of ways to use creativity.
- Another fun-filled activity and well run and organised.
- Innovating fun and stimulating for simple ideas.
- Fantastic and fun.
- Very creative and interactive.
- Super ideas.
- Good ideas of how to use large construction.
- Great! The Children love it!
- Great idea, fun interactive session.
- Imaginative and insightful.
- Loved being able to be a child again + use imagination no wrong or right.
- A great idea for all ages.
- Super workshop…..
- Excellent ideas – very fun too.
- Took me back to my childhood of making dens! No technology, just a simple basic imagination fun!
- Good fun!
- This was interesting and fun and sometimes completely new and exciting. It was great team work and so fun, we made a pirate ship!!
- Fun ways of learning and making areas and bringing out children’s imaginations.
- The only limit is imagination – such a brilliant ideas for very little financial cost.
- Excellent. Think this would be a good way to engage parents especially dads.
- Brilliant – really enjoyable and some good ideas.
- Great idea, not an everyday activity but hope will be able to try it out with the whole school – possibly in summer so can do it outside.
- Loved this workshop – reminded me of my childhood – some great ideas.
- Fabulous fun creative.
- Brilliant workshop and very creative.
- Great to build with cardboard boxes and work together to build a den.