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Around the Cardboard Campfire
Are you looking for innovative ways in which to engage pupils in reading, writing and storytelling?
Or discover exciting opportunities for the Pupil Premium and closing the gap in achievement between advantaged and disadvantaged pupils?
Are you hoping to capture the attention of boys in your school and help them to discover a love of literacy?
Around the Cardboard Campfire
By Responsible Fishing UK
In the deep, dark woods lived an old lady with long, white hair that reached the forest floor. One night she saw the dancing lights of a campfire flickering in the distance and the tinkling laughs of children.
The giggling children heard a noise through the trees. Footsteps approached with a steady beat.
“Wh–wh-who’s there?” they called out.
The branches were pushed apart by a wrinkled and gnarled hand and they let out a blood-curdled scream…
Traditional story telling around the light of a fire has been enjoyed for generations. Responsible Fishing UK want to bring back heart pounding story telling and pass on the skills of story writing and story telling to the next generation.
Now is the perfect time for your school to invite Responsible Fishing to work with pupils to develop their own story telling skills through this unique project.
After listening to a campfire story by our artist, Responsible Fishing UK will then work with children to learn the skills of story writing. Using a mixture of their own experiences and mythical, historical or imaginary characters and settings developing their own story filled with mystery, suspense and adventure. They will then learn the art of story telling and perform their unique stories around the campfire all the while developing the skills needed in reading, writing and spoken language as set in the Curriculum Key Stage 1 and 2.
The use of the campfire setting is an accessible and understandable format for all children, it utilises recognisable and traditional story telling imagery allowing students the freedom of creativity and the ability to not only work on creative writing skills but also oral story telling and the skill of presenting to an audience.
‘Around the Cardboard Campfire’ improves writing, reading and presentation skills using a framework that guides pupils through the story writing process. It works to close the gap between advantaged and disadvantaged pupils as the day teaches these skills in a fun and exciting way that connects with every child.
Here what teachers said about the Cardboard Campfire when it was launched at the Barnsley TSA teaching and Learning Carnival
“Cardboard camp fire was really interactive. I enjoyed it!”
“Very inspiring cardboard campfire.”
“Loved how the room was set up for cardboard campfire.”
“The workshop presenters were informative and passionate about their pedagogy.”
What now?
We would love to discuss how Around the Cardboard Campfire can become part of your learning experience. Our contact details are below or you can use the form to drop us a line.
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