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A Johan’s first adventure is @ the Coastal festival in Scarborough along the winding paths of the Spa Gardens on Friday the 12th Feb to Sunday the 14th Feb from 5.30 – 7.30pm daily.
We’re so excited to bring Johan to Scarborough Coastal festival and working with the children at East Ayton was brilliant, their enthusiasm and creativity inspired us in creating the wonderful first journey for Johan.
All the stories that the kids created are below and there a few images of us working with them too.
YouTube Oh no!
by Oliver, William and Joseph
East Ayton School
A boy and a crab were stood in the forest watching Youtube videos on the boy’s phone when something crazy happened!
“ARRRGHHHHH!” screamed the boy as they both get sucked into the phone and the phone is lost on the forest floor.
“Oh my gosh! we’ve been sucked into the phone!”
“CRRRAARRRRRRRRRRK” screamed the crab.
They hear a noise. “What is it?” asks the boy.
Arrgghhhhhh! Santa runs out of the trees!
“You’ve been naughty” laughs Santa and gets a machine gun out of his pocket. Santa sees a ghostly version on Peppa Pig and his family and begins to shoot them.
“Im Peppa Pig! This is my little brother George, this is Mummy Pig and this is Daddy Pig!”
But then Darth Vader appears and starts fighting with Santa forcing them both into an evil lava land!
“Look crab, look!” shouts the boy as suddenly the Beatles came out of nowhere and said “We are here to destroy you with a nuclear power virus!”
And they blew up everyone and the phone was destroyed and they were lost forever away from the nuke.
The Seagull, the Flounder and the Shark
by Owen, Catherine, Keira and Iggy
East Ayton School
Sarah the Seagull was flying over the deep, blue ocean one day when she met Flounder the Fish. They became good friends. Weeks became months and months became years and they never left each others side.
One day, Sarah looked out at the sea, she saw odd waves coming towards them. She grew very scared and called to Flounder “I will go have a look from above!” She realised what it was and returned to Flounder shouting “It’s a shark! You go and I will hold him off!”
As the shark approached, he opened his vicious jaws and ate Sarah the Seagull whole! “Mmmmmmmm seagull! My favourite!” he said.
Inside the shark, Sarah had survived and was inside his stomach, she began to peck her way to freedom! She burst out and flew over to Flounder to tell her what happened.
The shark bled to death and slowly sank to the ocean floor.
Because of Sarah’s bravery, no one ever again feared to the shark that lurked in the deep, blue ocean.
The Seagull in the Sea
by Jack, Dan and Ben
In a rough, raging sea sat a battered old seagull, bobbing about on a buoy. The wreckless storm shook the separating waters and dragged the buoy towards a whirlpool that now lay in the centre of the sea.
The old seagull was now stuck in a sticky situation. Spiralling towards the choppy whirlpool, the remote sea was now a dangerous territory.
There was no escape for the worn out seagull. The monstrous whirlpool was matched up with it’s easiest opponent yet. Down he went, tumbling to a possible death.
The seagull awoke to his amazement to an underwater city terrorised by fish intruders that were scattered around. Something about this city felt very forbidden but he had no time to speak, he was being attacked by a tuna intruder!
“HELP!” he cried
“I’m going to make you into a tuna sandwich!!” replied the tuna intruder.
Then out of nowhere came a whale. The seagull latched onto it and held on with all his might. The whale swam to the surface and the seagull escaped.
The Grizzly Tale of Jeffery the Spider
by Neve, Daisy, Korbie and Harley
East Ayton School
Once upon a time on a dusty boat lived a lonely spider called Jeffery. Suddenly the boat sank and Jeffery was terrified.
As he sank deeper and deeper, the lost his breath. Along came an evil diver who locked Jeffery in a bumpy, pretty, cold, dark shell.
The next day he opened his eyes and out of the blue, popped a worm. The spider explained his long boring story of how he got there to the worm.
The worm and the spider became friends, they escaped and found a navy coloured deadly shark. They were frightened to death so much so that they had a heart attack and died.
The Ghost
by Isaac, E.F, GC and SI
East Ayton School
In 1961 a young boy had a girlfriend and then she died.
In 2014 there were three children and they had a mum who had a heart attack and died.
Then in 2015 three children went to look for a young boy that vanished in a haunted house. The boy was very angry and so he haunted and cursed everything.
In the bedroom, they followed the rug and found a dead body! They screamed!
Then they relaised, it was his girlfrend.
So they saw a vacuum cleaner and sucked themselves up.
The Fly and The Spider
by Jack, Harry and Kieran
East Ayton School
A spider was looking for food, but became distracted when he saw a butterfly. He chased after it and went so far that he got lost.
Eventually he found a fly and said “I am lost! I was chasing a butterfly and lost track, now I don’t know where I am”
“OK” said the fly, “I can get you out of this forest! but on one condition, promise not to eat me! Because you’re a tarantula and kind of scary and hairy”
“I promise!” said the spider! And so the fly picked him up and flew him to safety out of the forest. As he felt the weight of the spider, the fly asks “You haven’t eaten my brother or sister have you? Because you weigh a flipping ton!”
They landed outside the forest and then the spider attacked! As he was dragged away, he called out to anyone who would listen “SAVE ME!”
His last words as the spider ate him were;
Save the Seagull
by Isabelle, Holly, Amelia and Josh
East Ayton School
In 1899, the fearsome Captain Buck sailed the Jolly Roger through the rough sea towards the town of Scarborough. He was going there to find a new parrot because his old one flew away.
There was not a single parrot in sight, but then he saw a seagull called Flappy and he had an idea!
Captain Buck bought some chips to lead the seagull towards him, the seagull swooped down and was trapped by Captain Buck into a cage. Captain Buck pulled out some rainbow paint and started painting the seagull to make him look like a parrot.
Later in the day, another seagull called Misty saw Flappy trapped in the cage and went to save him. Misty unlocks the cage and Flappy flies out.
Together they start to peck at Captain Buck, he fell overboard and drowned!
Ducky’s Doughnut
by Georgia, Raphaella, Coel, Tommy
East Ayton School
Once upon a time, there was a lonely duck called Ducky, he was the great captain of a pirate ship called the Doughnut.
But then Evil Ducky AKA E.D (or his real name of Roger) was coming to attack him. He was going to attack with his friend Jeff the Octopus.
Ooohhhhhh! A magic flying carpet called Mush was flying towards him while Jeff and Roger were coming too.
He found a magic shell and rubbed it and then Mush was his! It changed direction and flew towards Ducky in favour to save him.
Ducky jumped onto Mush with a tuna sandwich and flew off into the sunset whilst E.D swam away on Jeff with embarrassment.
A Crab called Bob
by Jamie, Jake, Aimee and Ella
East Ayton School
In a little town called Scarborough, there lived a tiny crab called Bob. He lived at the North side of the beach. One day he climbed on a boat that set sail on the sea. The boat went further than he’d ever been before.
Suddenly a huge shark called Johnny hit the boat with his strong fin and the boat sank to the bottom of the sea.
Bob has to walk along the sea bed all the way back to his home in Scarborough, but on the way he meets a girl crab called Lauren and fell in love at first sight!
Bob and Lauren love each other and decide to get married and have two children. They lived happily ever after!
Chucky: A Musical
by Polly, Freya, Charlie and Charlotte
East Ayton School
Narrator: In the deadly sea there was a great ghostly shark called Chucky.
Chucky: I hate dolphins!
Narrator: Chucky always hated dolphins after they had laughed at him when he got caught by humans. That’s what brought him to his grave.
Chucky sings: Its not my birthday, its not my birthday!
Narrator: But in fact it was Milly the dolphins birthday.
Milly the dolphin sings: It’s my birthday! It’s my birthday, Im gonna spend my money!
Chucky: Copy me why don’t you!
Milly and her friend lay down for a nap. Chucky goes to wake them up.
Chucky: What the fudge?
Milly and her friend sing: Don’t wake us up, ohhhhhh!
Chucky sings: Hopelessly gonna frighten youuuuuu.
Chucky sings: They think I’m evil, they think I’m bad. They think I’m evil, that makes me glad!
Super Octopus enters the scene and begins to fight with Chucky.
Super Octopus: Super Octopus to the rescue!!!!
A fight ensues with all the characters.
All: To be continued
Conkers: A play
by Emma, Bronte, Lewis and Shuaib
East Ayton School
Set in the woods, four children are sleeping. They wake up.
Emma: Let’s go find conkers!
All: OK, let’s go!
The children set off into the woods the find conkers. They hear a scary noise.
Bronte: Emma, whats that?
Shuaib and Lewis: It was not us
They all hear a scary noise.
Lewis: Let’s all stick together!
Emma and Bronte: Come on then, it’s this way!
Shuaib and Lewis: No, it’s this way!
The children unable to agree, split up.
The light fades and the children are lost in the woods at night. They scramble around in fear.
Emma and Bronte: Where are the boys?!
Split up from friends and frightened, they lay down and go to sleep. Then they carry on searching till eventually Emma thinks she sees the light from a fire.
Emma: Oh Bronte, I found the fire!
They make it back to camp and find the boys as the light comes up and morning begins.
Lewis and Shuaib: Oh girls! We’re so happy to see you!
The children celebrate.
Ghost to Earth
by Dylan, Katie and Kristina
One day on Scarborough beach there was a crab called Cerby.
He lived under a big, spiky rock. On a foggy, misty night he decided to ome out of his big spiky rock to get some food.
When Cerby saw a murky figure in the distance, he started to go up to him and tried to pinch him but his claw just went straight through the figure….
The Deep, Dark Wood
by Maddison, Evie and Isabelle
East Ayton School
The mist rolled in from the sea and the wind whistled through the trees.
“It’s too late James!” Amy whispered “let’s head back”
“OK” answered James “Come on Gem!” he called to their dog.
Their little balck and white puppy looked at them with beging eyes as the tail slapped the ground.
“No, we are going home!” yelled James at Gem.
They turned round and started to head home, suddenly James fell to the ground and he let go of Gem’s lead. She ran like lightening into the deep, dark wood. All the children could see was Gem’s black and white fur disappearing deep into the wood. They looked at eachother in horror.
“What shall we do?” whispered James.
The two of them wandered aimlessly deeper into the woods in search of their missing dog. As they got further into the woods, things got a little bit creepier.
“James, I am too tired to go any further” said Amy. They sat down and watched the glistening river flow by.
Suddenly, they heard a yelping and howling from the other side of the river.
“It’s a ghost!” whispered James.
“Let’s go see what it is!” cried Amy.
“NO!!” yelled James, who was being a chicken.
Amy hurdled over the stepping stones to go and investigate. She leant over the hole and collapsed to the ground howling.
“What is wrong?” yelled James
“Come here!” shouted Amy.
James stumbled over and looked in the hole. He felt very embarrassed when he saw that it wasn’t a ghost at all, it was Gem!
They lifted her out and took her home, it was 9pm when they got back but at least they had Gem.
The Taylor Family: A play
by Aiden, Aimee, Alex and Mrs Taylor
East Ayton school
Narrator: The Taylor family are enjoying a day out at the beach. Mum is sunbathing, Alex is digging and Aimee is looking at shells.
Alex decides to dig a big hole to bury someone, Aimmee doesn’t want to but he eventually persuades her.
They start digging and digging, suddenly a leg appears. They carry on digging and another leg appears. Slowly, out creeps a long legged, hairy spider called Aiden.
Aimee screams.
The spider slowly crawls over towards Mummy Talyor and bites her leg. Mummy Taylor turns into a robot, she goes over to the children and starts to bury them.
The children keep digging to see where the spider came from. They dig deeper and deeper until they hit something solid, they break through and are falling and falling till realise they are in Dr Who’s tardis.
Amy: This is all your fault Aiden!
Narrator: Suddenly Aimee pushes Alex onto a button, they feel the ground moving beneath them.
As they fell they flew out of the telephone box. It was cold where they fell and they were covered in mud. They saw a house, and thought they would go inside.
Alex told Aimee he had seen a house like this in Victorian times.
There is a teacher in the room, his back turned and he is writing on the board. He hears them talking and turns around.
He starts throwing chalk at them, but as he got angrier he started growing more legs and the children realised it was a squid.
Water begins to fill the room and mum floats away. The children jumped out of the room and began to shrink, holding on to mum just incase the spider came back.
The squid attacked Alex, Alex threw the squid and it attacked mum.
The squid suddenly had a robot head. Alex punched the head right off.
Then the ground was moving and they were back on the beach. There was a boy covered in seaweed.
Mum said it was time to go home.
When they got there, there was a note on the door telling them to brush the chalk off them.
Mum said it was bed time. They went up to bed.
They went to sleep and dreamt of what a weird day they had had.
They heard an evil laugh under the bed and out jumped the spider. Mum knocked on the door to see what had happened.
“I loved it today especially the art. It was the best day at school ever!” – Daisy
“I thought it was amazing!!! It was fun and exciting especially when we acted or just spoke or read, it was the best time yesterday and I will never forget it.” – Isaac Damian
“I really enjoyed it, I thought it was really fun and was a good activity to do in school.”
“I thought that it was epically awesome! Especially the forest!” – Ben
“The acting was great. The best school day ever!”
“It was fun”
“Coastival is really fun and it was the best day at school ever!” – Shuaib
“Coastival. It was the best time ever!” – Lewis
“Coastival is the best way to get inspiration for a story” – Bronte
“Coastival is amazing to get your inspiration going” – Emma
“The art in the classroom was awesome” – Aimee
“I liked the art but I liked the writing but I loved everything!” – Ella
“Coastival is the best thing EVER! It is the place to be. I love it!” – Jake
“I enjoyed the big model of Scarborough, it’s very fun!”
“Gives you loads of inspiration and it is loads” – Neve
“This is the best fun I’ve had school” – Korbie
“The leaves really helped write an amazing story and the pictures and models were very fun to make”
“I enjoyed yesterday because we still did work but it was fun work and it was a bit different. Thank you”
“Yesterday was really fun, I enjoyed writing stories. Thank you.”
“I enjoyed yesterday because I liked writing the stories!”
“I thought it was very epic and I loved the story and the team work” – Georgina
“I really enjoyed yesterday, it was really fun and awesome!”
“The day was very interesting, the experience was quite delightful. I love story writing and drama so the mixed together made it incredible. Thank you” – Kathryn
“It was spectaculary amazingly awesome! Im happy!” – Keira
“Every second was mint, come again please and thanks”
“I thought it was a brilliant morning and a spectacular afternoon.” – Charlie I
“I loved it!” – Katie
“It was really fun, I enjoyed it because I love cardboard boxes, they are fun!” – Kristina
“I loved it!” – Emilia
“I really enjoyed it, especially in the morning, it was fun and a bit different” – Dylan
“It was really fun, I liked writing the stories, thank you” – Coel
“I liked it and I liked telling the story”
“Thank you guys so much, it was really fun, I loved it. It was also creative how you made a forest out of cardboard boxes. Love you guys, thanks” – Georgina
“I loved yesterday! It was really fun and enjoyable, writing the stories was so fun. I’d love to do it all over again. Thank you!”
“It was so fun, the way it was funny and the way you used our minds”
“It was simply the best!” – Jack A-S
“It was really, really fun and exciting”
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